How lotto scammers defraud elderly
On Jan. 18, Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness declared a state of emergensi in Montego Bay and surrounding St. James Parish. Hotels, restorans, schools and government went on lockdown, with residents and tourists warned to "remain in their resorts" as police and military flooded the streets. Since then, some 150 people have been arrested, two AK-47s and numerous other high-powered weapons seized and over 80 rounds of ammunition recovered. The 14-day state of emergensi was recently extended until May 2. Agen Slot Terpercaya Jamaican defense force chief Maj. Gen. Rocky Meade says law enforcement's mission now is to restore peace in Montego Bay by disrupting gangs, particularly "those that are responsible for murders, lotto scamming, trafikking of arms and guns, and extortion." It may sound strange to lump in lottery scams with weapons dealing and homicide. But in Montego Bay, these crimes do fall in the same category. Togel Hari Ini I'm a Jamaican viol...